Sapphire Vs Ruby Gemstone Rings: Things You Need To Know

Ruby Gemstone Rings

There is no doubt that diamonds are the most preferred stones for engagement ring designs. However, for those looking for something different, sapphires and rubies are the most popular choices. Both sapphire and ruby gemstone are a type of precious gemstones, and sit with diamonds and emeralds as the most commonly used in fine jewelry.

Thus, a sapphire or ruby engagement ring design can be just as valuable and meaningful as a diamond engagement ring. If you have made the decision of choosing a gemstone other than diamond for your engagement ring design, you may find yourself wondering which option is right for you – sapphire or ruby gemstone? Here are some points you should know about sapphires and ruby gemstone.


It is a fact that sapphires and rubies are formed in the exact same way. These gemstones form deep within the earth’s crust, in intense and extreme conditions – high temperature and high pressure.

Both types of precious stones are gem-quality, whereby crystals have formed as the rock begins to cool. These are then pushed to the earth’s surface through natural movements and shifts, and then mined.

Colour of The Gemstones

Colour is the point where the sapphires and rubies mainly differs. The most common colour of a sapphire gemstone is blue, they do come in a wide range of other colours and shades, including yellow, orange, pink, purple, white and more. On the other hand, ruby gemstone are available in red shades mostly. However, there is a wide range of ruby shades to choose from, ranging from pink tone to pigeon blood shade.

Gemstones get their colour during the formation process, where other minerals and elements interfere with the rock. For example, the presence of titanium is what turns sapphires blue, while chromium is the trace element that creates the red shade of a ruby.

Deciding which gemstone is perfect for your ring is totally dependent upon personal preference. The decision comes down to the gemstone colour you wish to see on your engagement ring – if it is the bright red tone then rubies are the way to go, whereas if you have an eye for any other hue, choose sapphire engagement ring.

Ruby Gemstone


Your engagement ring is your lifetime investment. Obviously, you will look for a design that will stand the test of time, in both style and durability. Therefore, the hardness of the gemstone you choose is an important consideration.

As rubies and sapphires share the same composition for the most part, they are equally hard. As a result, both types of stones are suitable for a long lasting engagement ring. Only a material with a higher hardness ranking can scratch a sapphire or ruby, meaning unless your engagement ring is carelessly stored with diamond or any other jewelry piece, it will remain scratch-free.

No matter the gemstone you choose, it is always recommended that you have it professionally cleaned and serviced. This way, you can be sure that any scratches are cared for and stones remain secure in the ring’s setting. This will also help your ring to continue looking brand new for the many years to come.



Price is another important consideration when shopping for an engagement ring. Most couples set aside a budget first, and then begin the search for the perfect ring within their price range. And with diamond rings being the most expensive, sapphire and ruby options often offer a better quality and bigger size for a fraction of the cost.

Although less expensive, rubies and sapphires are both valuable precious gemstones. Due to their natural formation process, no two stones are the same, with each possessing its own unique characteristics which can impact quality, and ultimately, value. Therefore, rather than basing your decision on price alone, it’s important to assess the quality of the stone in order to determine whether you are getting the best value.

The cost of a sapphire and ruby is based on each stone’s colour, cut, carat and clarity. Unlike diamonds, inclusions are common in these gemstones, and have much less impact on the cost. However, a stone with few inclusions is still preferred.

Colour tends to have the most impact on the value of a ruby or sapphire. This is because certain colours and shades are rarer or more sought after than others. The cut of ruby or sapphire is important as it will ensure the stone’s colour is showcased in the best possible way. Therefore, the cut can also impact the cost of an engagement ring.

But of the two classic gemstones, rubies are costlier than sapphires. Thus, if price is the main factor, there is a clear winner. However, both ruby and sapphire engagement rings are available in different price range. For example, you can find unique designs in solitaire style settings, or with a diamond cluster as well as options in various carats and qualities to suit different budgets.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of the gemstone type that sits at the centre of your engagement ring design, it will hold a great deal of sentimental value and meaning to you. Undeniably, both sapphires and rubies are superb choices for engagement rings, with many similarities as well as their own unique features, meanings and values.

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